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The Australian 1972 Photographs

These rare photographes were taken during Cat Stevens first concert tour of Australia in August of 1972. These images may take a few minutes to download, so please be patient with them as they are well worth the wait. All of these fabulous photographs are courtesy of Bruce Lawrie.


 Cat Stevens answers a few questions.

Cat answers a few question.


Cat Arrival to Australia

 Cat Stevens mobbed at the Sydney Airport 1972

Excerpt from the Chris Charlesworth Bio ' The Definative Career Biography of Cat Stevens' page 53.

The Australian leg of the tour was particularly hectic. Arriving at Sydney Airport on August 20, Steve was mobbed by fans, an event which prompted newspapers to compare his arrival with the scenes that greeted the Beatles when they arrived on Australian soil in 1964.

'As soon as Stevens emerged from the customs gate, police and wildly enthusiastic fans surrounded him,' reported one daily newspaper, The Age, ' Police had trouble protecting the pop singer. Police formed a ring round the stunned Stevens and tried to rush him to a waiting car but the fans broke through police lines, causing him to stumble and almost fall, as they tore at his clothing. The screaming girls followed Stevens out of the terminal, milling around the car and clambering on to the bonnet and boot in an attempt to catch a glimpse of idol.'

Cat Stevens in Limo

In this photograph, if you look closely to where the girl is waving her arm, from inside the car you can clearly see a cowering Cat. He could not believe he would receive such a welcome. The fans tore at his clothes and tried to pull at him from all directions. During Cat Stevens career, almost 1 in 2 Australians owned a Cat Stevens LP. Teaser & Tillerman each spent over 2 years in the charts and at one time 3 of Cat's LP's were in the top 4. Tillerman & Teaser both regained the number 1 slot after being dethroned.


Cat Stevens Smiles

Cat Stevens in feathered hat


The Press Conference

Cat Stevens interview #1

Cat Stevens Interview #2

Cat only ever gave one press conference during his time in Australia, mainly due to the over zealous reception he received after clearing customs. Cat insisted the press conference take place from within the Kingsgate hotel. The photo of Cat on the balcony with a cigarette was taken during the press conference as were these two photographs above.


Cat relaxing on the balcony of his hotel room in the Kingsgate Hotel, Sydney Australia.

Cat Stevens on hotel balconey #1

CatStevens on Hotel Balcony #2


Cats' first Austalian concert was at the Hordern Pavilion

Cat Stevens, first Austalian concert was at the Hordern Pavilion



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Site Creator - Christine Chenevey   
Special Thanks To:   Jill Mallow, *Keith Balaam, George Brown, Linda Crafar, Bruce Lawrie, DJ Illingworth, Gerardo Roman, Chris & Annie Abrams, Patricia Squillari, Harry Schmieder, Sue Vukson and all who have contributed either with material or support to help make Majicat magical.
* This site is dedicated in the memory of Keith Balaam. ---<----<----@